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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Prevent Cancer with Cabbage

In addition to its role as the cabbage soup diet cabbage, also plays an important role in the fight against cancer. Cancer develops in the world is one of the leading causes of death. It affects everyone? Rich and poor, old and young, men, women and children, however, are primarily descendants of cancer. We can still be a way to avoid it. One is eating cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage. 

Cabbages research and study in the UK National Cancer Research conference held recently conducted a study being presented and green leafy vegetables such as cabbage and Brussels sprouts contain a specific compound - indole-3-carbinol (I3C) - which can be used to kill cancer cells , especially when used in combination with chemotherapy drugs. Sulfur compounds, indole binds the chemical is a carcinogen and carcinogen detoxification enzymes that stimulate them. Effects of I3C found in cabbage estrogen metabolism has been shown to help prevent breast cancer. These compounds are also important in preventing or slowing prostate cancer. 

A cohort study conducted by the Dutch on diet and cancer. Research shows that people who eat vegetables to get a 25% reduction in the risk of colorectal them. However, the consumption of vegetables had a 49% lower risk of colorectal cancer has been obtained. Cabbage in Singapore to fight cancer, studies have found that non-smokers, cruciferous vegetables, regular consumption reduces the risk of lung cancer by 30%. Meanwhile, 69% reduction in the risk of lung cancer for smokers has found. A study published in the International Journal of Cancer suggests that cabbage with other vegetables can reduce the risk of bladder cancer. Silangan famous property in the fight against cancer is expected to enable a large degree they are phytochemicals known as glucosinolates. 

Place a strong and effective anti phytochemicals in our bodies - by carcinogens known as isothiocyanate metabolism. Cabbage research proved beneficial, both in humans and animals, have consistently shown that eating vegetables such as cabbage, are high, a type of cancer associated with a lower incidence. Brassica or cruciferous vegetables and cancer of 94 studies, 70% of the study showed that the relationship between higher intake of cabbage is associated with a lower risk of cancer, especially stomach, intestines, and lungs. Protective benefits of cabbage and other vegetables, usually at high risk for cancer and is also evident in the three groups: smokers, men, and older people who are at least 64. 

Cabbage and other vegetables per day, or half of the consumer's head is too big for you to take a look for health risk reduction. And will get the most benefit from your vegetables, especially cabbage, make sure you choose organically grown vegetables, mainly because of their high levels of phytonutrients that they conventionally grown cabbage. Lightly steam cabbage as his cooking methods preserve phytonutrients and maximize their availability. This article is designed for informational purposes only. 

The medical advice given by a doctor or other medical professional to have the option. You will not use this information to diagnose or health problem or disease, or the treatment should be included along with any prescription medication. About the Author: Author is the webmaster of the cabbage soup diet. Cabbage Cabbage Facts and Stories ways and some of you might be interested in cooking. Sources: Permanent Link www.isnare.com:% -2 http://www.isnare.com


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